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TRUSD offers many cutting-edge, rigorous and relevant Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways that prepare youth for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, and highdemand careers that are integrated with their academics. Many of the courses are A-G approved and/or give students the opportunity to receive college credit.
Career Technical Education Courses

Career Technical Education Courses


Construction 1  
Prerequisite: None
CTE Pathway (level): Construction (concentrator)
This course is an introduction to the building materials, components, methods, and sequences in residential construction. It is designed to give students basic, entry-level skills in construction and related trades along with an overview of career opportunities available. Emphasis is placed on safety and proper use of both hand and power tools. This course provides students the experience of participating in the building of a shed along with various woodworking skill building projects.
Construction 2
Prerequisite: Construction 1
CTE Pathway (level): Construction (capstone)
This course is comprehensive, building upon foundational skills learned in an introductory class. The course will focus on all aspects of the building process, including site layout/survey foundations, masonry, floor systems, framing, roofing, exterior finishing, electrical, HVAC, waste systems, and plumbing. The course introduces advanced construction concepts and practices in current use in the construction industry


Digital Media

Sports Medicine

Work Experience