- Construction
- Culinary
- Digital Media
- Sports Medicine
- Work Experience
Construction 1
Prerequisite: None
CTE Pathway (level): Construction (concentrator)
This course is an introduction to the building materials, components, methods, and sequences in residential construction. It is designed to give students basic, entry-level skills in construction and related trades along with an overview of career opportunities available. Emphasis is placed on safety and proper use of both hand and power tools. This course provides students the experience of participating in the building of a shed along with various woodworking skill building projects.
Construction 2
Prerequisite: Construction 1
CTE Pathway (level): Construction (capstone)
This course is comprehensive, building upon foundational skills learned in an introductory class. The course will focus on all aspects of the building process, including site layout/survey foundations, masonry, floor systems, framing, roofing, exterior finishing, electrical, HVAC, waste systems, and plumbing. The course introduces advanced construction concepts and practices in current use in the construction industry
Culinary 1
Prerequisite: None
CTE Pathway (level): Culinary Arts (concentrator)
This course prepares students with food production, preparation, customer service, and teamwork skills for employment. The Culinary Arts program effectively prepares students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed to successfully enter the job market or transition to postsecondary education programs. Instruction includes topics such as planning, selecting, storing, purchasing, preparing, testing, serving, and selling of quality food and food products.
Culinary Arts 2
Prerequisite: Culinary 1
CTE Pathway: Culinary Arts (capstone course)
The course is the capstone for students interested in the restaurant, baking, and food services industry. Included are core content standards such as sanitation, food service operations, nutrition, food preparation and preparation, dining room and guest services, understanding products, and management concepts. The course will emphasize employability hard and soft skills
Digital Media
Digital Imaging 1
Prerequisite: None
CTE Pathway (level): Digital Photo (concentrator)
Students in Digital Imaging 1 will learn, apply, and create new digital photos through the use of digital cameras and their accessories. Students will also be trained in the use of Adobe Photoshop in editing and processing their digital photos. The course will culminate each semester in a semester-long portfolio of each student’s work.
Digital Media
Prerequisite: None
CTE Pathway (level): Digital Media (concentrator)
This course explores the integration of digital media including computer graphics, video production, audio production, digital imaging, and animation. Students work on multimedia projects from concept (content gathering/research) to project completion (authoring/transmission) and focus on the media needed by small and large companies for marketing and corporate communication purposes. Students develop and demonstrate skill through the creation of multimedia productions and presentations on venues such as in portfolios, web productions, and live presentations.
Digital Media Production
Prerequisite: Digital Media 1
CTE Pathway (level): Digital Media (capstone) CDE Course Code
Digital Media Production is a survey class that introduces students to electronic media production. The class covers music production and recording, digital photography and imaging, videography and film-making, web design, journalism, desktop publishing, music editing, and other electronic media. Digital media will provide basic concepts and tools of digital media. The class will feature several industry-standard applications including photo manipulations software such as Photoshop, video editing programs, and web design applications.
Sports Medicine
Kinesiology/Sports Medicine
Prerequisite: None
CTE Pathway: Sport Medicine (concentrator course)
This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement that can lead to an understanding of the health and exercise professions. An overview of career opportunities in teaching, coaching, allied health, and fitness professions will be covered. Emphasis is on the practical application of these concepts as practitioners in sports medicine, exercise science, and movementoriented careers. This class meets the content standards for Health Science and is a prerequisite to Sports Medicine 2.
Sports Medicine 2
Prerequisite: Kinesiology CDE Course Code
CTE Pathway: Sports Medicine (capstone)
In this course, students will explore each of the human body systems. In addition, for each body system students will study a wide range of health care aspects that include the following categories: human body systems pathologies, medical terminology, health care careers, public health, fitness training certification, coaching, CPR/first aid certification, medical insurance, sports media, and sports management. This course offers internship opportunities with various high school sports teams.
Work Experience
Work Experience
Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in CTE pathway
CTE Pathway: None
Career Technical Work Experience Education (CTWEE) course is designed to support students in the various career-connected academies and pathways in TRUSD. Students enrolled in either concentrator or capstone courses are eligible for the CTWEE course while on an identified internship within their chosen career sector and with the approval of their career technical education teacher/ coordinator. The CTWEE course provides additional opportunities for students to research and develop a plan in their chosen area of interest as it reinforces and extends the skills learned through a combination of related classroom instruction in WEE and supervised, paid employment in the occupation or industry sector for which they have begun preparation.